Research Papers
Lions Outback Vision conducts practical and translational research that helps our clinicians improve the eye health of rural, remote and Indigenous West Australians.
When Lions Outback Vision encounter a challenge in the field, we use evidence-based research to help identify solutions and inform policy.
Artificial Intelligence
- Chia MA and Turner AW 2022 Benefits of Integrating Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence Into Outreach Eye Care_Stepwise Approach and Future Directions
- Validation of a deep learning system for the detection of diabetic retinopathy in Indigineous Australians
- Screening for Glaucomatus Visual Fields Defects in Rural Australia with an Ipad.
- Clinical Exper Ophthalmology 2022 Kiburg Telemedicine and Delivery of Ophthalmic Care in Rural and Remote Communities
- Optometric use of a teleophthalmology service in rural Western Australia: comparison of two prospective audits
- 2017 Clinical and Experimental Optometry
- Real Time Teleopthalmology Versus Face to Face Consultation a Systematic Review
- Increasing the impact of Teleopthalmology in Australia Analysis of Structural and Economic Drivers in a State Service
- Optometric Use of Teleophthalmology Service in Rural WA Comparison of Tow Prospective Audits
- Increasing the Impact of Telehealth for Eye Care in Rural and Remote Western Australia
Remote Eye Services
- Follow Up Rate for Patients Needing Regular Intravitral Therapy
- Evaluating the Impact of the Lions Outback Vision Mobile Ophthalmology Service
- Coordination of Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in the Kimberley Region of WA
- Funding models for outreach ophthalmology services
- Coordination of outreach eye services in remote Australia
- Review of cataract surgery in rural north Western Australia with the Lions Outback Vision
Indigenous Eye Health
- Understanding Indigenous patient attendance: A qualitative study
- Gender and ethnic differences in pterygium prevalence: an audit of remote Australian clinics
- Evaluating the impact of optical coherence tomography in diabetic retinopathy screening for an Aboriginal population
- Ocular biometry in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients undergoing cataract surgery
- Eye health service access and utilization in the National Indigenous Eye Health Survey
Ophthalmology Case Studies
- Real-world evaluation of RetCAD deep-learning system for the detection of referable diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration
- Clinical Exper Ophthalmology - 2024 - Lee - Endophthalmitis following intravitreal injections administered by junior
- Deep learning to detect optical coherence tomography-derived diabetic macular edema from retinal photographs: a multicenter validation study
- Partial optic nerve avulsion: A diagnostic challenge
- Identifying and assessing strategies for evaluating the impact of mobile eye health units on health outcomes
- Pyogenic Granuloma of the Conjunctiva
- Rural pre-operative cataract assessment on the Lions Outback Vision Van
- Eye health service access and utilization in the National Indigenous Eye Health Survey
- Funding models for outreach ophthalmology services